Reverse engineering

Windows software reverse engineering is a process I leared 20 years ago while trying to alter EXE binary file.
During the past 20 years H have been analyzing, debuging, reverse engineering many Windows softwares.
I have reversed, recreate and manipulated many softwares,
some of them are ; calc.exe, solitaire (sol.exe), outlook.exe, Chrome.exe, Mozile Firefox, Explorer.exe (shell), Internet Explorer (ie.exe), Anti Virus softwares (AV) and many more,

Tools I'm using
My favorite tools and programming languages are
  • C and C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio
  • SPY++
  • OLLY Debug
  • Dependency Walker
  • Dbgview
  • System Internals Procmon, RegMon, FileMon


    Reverse engineer these browsers to create injection software, to manipulate the browser in a special unique attribute.
    Without any extensions involved, Control from the outside of the browser
    With dll injections and exe binary hooking.

    Samples I have done

    Reversed the Chrome browser to inject the girls banner to the sites!

    and injecting the Camels :)

    and control the sites apprearing all is done without ANY extension - its all C++ after reverse engineer the internal exe binary PE of the browsers!!



    Contact me