Customizing the devtools

Web development tools (often called devtools or inspect element) allow web developers to test and debug their
source codes. They are different from website builders and integrated development environments (IDEs) in that
they do not assist in the direct creation of a webpage, rather they are tools used for testing the user interface of a
website or web application.

Web development tools come as browser add-ons or built-in features in web browsers. Most popular web
browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Opera,have built-in
tools to help web developers, and many additional add-ons can be found in their respective plugin download

Web development tools allow developers to work with a variety of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, the
DOM, JavaScript, and other components that are handled by the web browser. Due to increasing demand from
web browsers to do more,popular web browsers have included more features geared for developers.



Detect devtools open

Which devtools window is opened ? or can we detect if the devtools is opened ?
The answer is Yes, The birds engine gives you the option to check that and to know which
of the devtools is opened and on what browser type is it opened, Edge,Firefox or Chrome

Detect devtools

Devtools activity can be monitored by the birds engine
To parse and output data from it to external utility or service.

Best devtools in the browser

There is no 'best devtools', most of the browsers devtools are improving as the browser have more versions
But we will want to further investigate that and make comparison table from one devtool to the other

What is devtools

Web development tools (often called devtools or inspect element) allow web developers to test and debug their
source codes

Detect when devtools opened

It's possible to know when a devetool is opened, call the Birds utility library to get that notefication event with data.

Disable cache when devtools opened

Do you want to disable caching ? contact us for that feature